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세계적 석학 벤자민 바버(Benjamin Barber) 교수 특강
관리자 조회수:5317
2013-03-09 11:16:00


세계적 석학 벤자민 바버(Benjamin Barber) 교수 특강

벤자민 바버 교수와 서울 박원순 시장님과 대담 전에 이루어지는 행사로
사회와 교육에 관심을 가진 미국 최고의 교수진들이 준비한 특별한 강의를 제공하고자 합니다.

나는 이 세상을 강자와 약자, 성공한 사람과 실패한 사람으로 나누지 않는다.
나는 세상을 학습하는 사람과 학습하지 않는 사람으로 나눈다” -
벤자민 바버

대학 공공정책대학원 교수이며 시민 사회 운동에 적극적으로 참여하고 있는 벤자민 바버 교수께서
"우리 아이들의 미래 교육"의 주제로 강연을 하실 것입니다.


- 행사 일시 및 장소 : 2013 3 25(), 오전 10:30 13:00 프레스센타 19

10:30 a.m - 국제화 교육 – 벤자민 바버 교수

11:10 11:30 a.m - 질의 응답

11:30 11:50 a.m - GCF 청소년 녹색기금 심포지움 – 12:00 - 13:00 p.m 식사


- 참가 인원: 40

- 참가자 지원마감일: 선착순 마감 (예약자에 한함)

주최 : HOBY 한국본부

문의 : 02-569-9600

- 다 음 -
Prof. Benjamin Barber
s Biography


Benjamin Barber


Barber held the position of Gershon and Carol Kekst Professor of Civil Society and Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland, College Park School of Public Policy, and he is Walt Whitman Professor Emeritus at Rutgers University; he is the current president and founder of the Interdependence Movement and the NGO "CivWorld", and its annual Interdependence Day event on September 12.[1] From 2007 - 2012, he was a Distinguished Senior Fellow at Demos.[2] In July 2012, Barber became a Senior Research Scholar at the Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society at the CUNY Graduate Center.[3]

As a political theorist, Barber argues for a renewed focus on civil society and engaged citizenship as tools for building effective democracy, particularly in the post-Cold War world. His current work focuses on global democratic governance and the relationship between the arts and democracy. Benjamin Barber has been a Senior Fellow at the USC Center on Public Diplomacy since 2005. He was an outside adviser to President Bill Clinton, a foreign policy adviser to Howard Dean's 2004 Presidential campaign and continues to counsel political leaders in America and abroad.

Barber was educated at Grinnell College (B.A., 1960) and Harvard University (M.A., 1963; Ph.D., 1966), after earning certificates at Albert Schweitzer College (1959) and the London School of Economics (1957).

According to Foreign Policy Barber "was among a small group of democracy advocates and public intellectuals... working under contract with the Monitor Group consulting firm to interact with Col. Muammar al-Qaddafi on issues of democracy and civil society".[4] Barber says, "we thought -- and I think Monitor thought -- it was an opportunity to work at internal reform."[5]

The son of theater people, he has also been active as a playwright, lyricist (libretto for George Quincy's opera Home and the River) and film-maker (The Struggle for Democracy, with Patrick Watson; Music Inn, with Ben Barenholtz).



